... learning to raise them in a proper environment, vaccinating them on schedule, making our own chicken food, managing egg sales and finances. Budgeting was developed to save funding ahead to be able to replace old layers in time to conserve egg production... chicks into full-grown layers is a good lesson in planning for the future. A market for the eggs is easy to find, but budgeting the money is not as simple. Money must be invested in vaccinations and food for 4-6 months before they begin laying eggs and creating an income. A percentage of that income must be set aside to enable buying a new batch of chicks in time to replace ageing layers. The second batch of chicks must be bought early enough that they will be old enough to lay before the older hens quit laying. Then there is no disruption of income. The older hens may be sold for meat after they quit laying, and that money in turn invested into buying a third batch of chicks, or improving the grounds, or storing food ahead. Little by little, the business can grow, and along with that, the owner's daily income grows as well.